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December 19, 2011 – DAY 19 | Time/Money

December 19, 2011 – DAY 19 | Time/Money: We are closing in on the New Year. Have you given any thought to the things that have been presented in this blog? Are you starting to think about things differently? If you’re not, you are probably not spending enough thought-time on these issues. The problem I find is that I am either out of time or money and that is what keeps me from my purpose, my calling, my better New Year. So here is my question to you. If you had all the time and money you required what would you be doing? What is presently standing in the way of you achieving the goals you have? What can you do today to start changing the path you are on so that you stop slamming into the road block to your goals?


Philip A Foster, MA is Founder/CEO of Maximum Change Inc. Elevating leaders and their organizations to the next level since 2005. Master Certified Coach, Philip A Foster, MA and his associates facilitate effective positive change by helping organizations, leaders and individuals in high demand — design and implement strategies that maximize focus and deliver results. Specializing in Organization and Strategic Leadership.

Email | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Web | Skype: philip.a.foster | 615-216-5667


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