December 11, 2011— DAY 11: You would likely be amazed at the number of people I work with that at some point need permission. The most powerful thing I’ve seen is a person who has been given permission to do something. Just knowing you are allowed to do something changes everything. Today – is simple… I want to give you permission to dream, to imagine, to try, to go, and to do! You have the utmost permission to be successful. You can do it! Now go and try!
Make a list of things you might feel that you need to tell yourself it is ok to do. Then tell yourself it is ok to do so!
Philip A Foster, MA is Founder/CEO of Maximum Change Inc. Elevating leaders and their organizations to the next level since 2005. Master Certified Coach, Philip A Foster, MA and his associates facilitate effective positive change by helping organizations, leaders and individuals in high demand — design and implement strategies that maximize focus and deliver results. Specializing in Organization and Strategic Leadership.